Pool Stats Pro v1.6 Released
It’s our pleasure to announce a major release candidate of Pool Stats Pro. There are quite a few new features in this version including many more stats for 10″ tablet versions. We’ve also refactored a lot of the game activity code to make it more manageable, improved some of the scaling, and added a new column to our database. The following is the new features in PSPv1.6.
- Added multiple new stats to the match bookmark section include: Break & Win, Break & Lose, Average Time To Shoot.
- Implemented the opensource AnyChart software to provide realtime graphs and gauges within the match bookmarks. This feature is only available on 10″ Android tables. These charts – an area line chart graphing the shooting percentages of the players throughout the match, and gauges for each player that identifies their shot type selection during the match
- Added a “Match Date” calendar option when selecting a game to record. This is handy for our team along with any of our crowdsourcing members in retaining the actual day of the match. We tend to record matches after they happen, and this feature provides us with the data needed to model a player’s progress throughout any give season.
- In adding the “Match Date”, it features a new column in the app database and also our server side databases. This gives us a better gauge as to how a player progresses over the year for the various metrics we’ve created.
- New code refactoring in game activity. This will speed things up on older and slower devices, and creates more manageable code for our team to continue coding and not create spaghetti code.
Here are some screenshots of the new 10″ table match bookmarks: