Our Live Data Stats

Month: December 2020

Pool Stats: Rack Difficultly Level (RD)

Rack Difficulty Level (RDL): Understanding the complexity of a rack after the break

It is our pleasure to make an official announcement of a new metric we have devised, through mathematical analysis, called Rack Difficulty Level or RDL. We are always busy here at Pool Stats, creating charts, graphs, gauges, and other data visualizations to comprehend the inner workings of the game of pool. Every so often we […]

Pool Stats Pro Bookmark

Pool Stats Pro v1.6 Released

It’s our pleasure to announce a major release candidate of Pool Stats Pro. There are quite a few new features in this version including many more stats for 10″ tablet versions. We’ve also refactored a lot of the game activity code to make it more manageable, improved some of the scaling, and added a new […]

Pool Stats Mosconi Cup Prediction

Two Mosconi Cup Match-up Predictions

Here are the two models we had time to run with data we felt comfortable with for two probable match-ups during the 2020 Mosconi Cup.  If you’ve followed our previous posts then you may be aware of these metrics we have created. Nevertheless, an overview of the Metrics to Consider are as follows DSR: Defensive […]


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