Our Live Data Stats

Tag: Metabase

Pool Stats

Update: DSR (Defensive Success Rate)

http://poolst.at/dsr We have made a small adjustment to the calculation of DSR (Defensive Success Rate). In the following press release, you’ll see that we have added a new variable to account for the missed shots by an opponent after a player plays safe. The missed shots is weighted as to not give it the full […]

DSR (Defensive Success Rate)

http://poolst.at/d We’ve devised a new sabermetric for pool. DSR measures a player’s ability to play safes effectively. To gain an understanding of the metric, we’ve published the formula. In easier terms, a DSR > 50 is highly effective. A DSR > 100 is extremely effectively, and illustrates that you force more turnovers, via fouls, than […]

Shooting Percentage For All Active Players

Here is a quick info graphic that illustrates the power of our server-side statistical suite, Metabase, available for everyone at very low pricing per year. The following link is interactive, so check it out. http://poolst.at/c The above link, takes you to the infographic below. In short, this is the data of Made Shots, Missed Shots, […]

Average Consecutive Made Shots Per Match For All Players Recorded

Here is a nice scatter plot illustrating the average consecutive made shots for an entire match fro all players. Basically it compares the players matches, that we’ve recorded, and how often they stay on the table, i.e., consecutive made shots without missing. Below is the image and interactive graph of the stats.


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