Our Live Data Stats

Month: February 2020

DSR (Defensive Success Rate)

http://poolst.at/d We’ve devised a new sabermetric for pool. DSR measures a player’s ability to play safes effectively. To gain an understanding of the metric, we’ve published the formula. In easier terms, a DSR > 50 is highly effective. A DSR > 100 is extremely effectively, and illustrates that you force more turnovers, via fouls, than […]

Shooting Percentage For All Active Players

Here is a quick info graphic that illustrates the power of our server-side statistical suite, Metabase, available for everyone at very low pricing per year. The following link is interactive, so check it out. http://poolst.at/c The above link, takes you to the infographic below. In short, this is the data of Made Shots, Missed Shots, […]


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